[Update: climate data (wind speed & direction) have now been added in short & long posts]
I originally extracted CLIWOC (CLImatological database for the World's OCeans) ship captains' logs ships locations over a decade ago, to demonstrate the processing of 250K+ points in ArcGIS desktop using then new File Geodatabase. Five years later I posted this on my old website with instructions how to use it in old ArcGIS Explorer and KML, and then I put a layer package on arcgis.com - both related historic details like de laPerouse's demise below, the importance of data standards and metadata, and the interst it generated elsewhere - more recently I posted a time-based variation of same, where using a time slider helps clarifiy complex data on desktop GIS.
Sunday 23 February 2014
Tuesday 11 February 2014
Maps are forever (Part III)
My first post on this theme traced beautiful medieval maps from the British library in London to the Harvard Libray online, to land on a 1610 beauty.
Sunday 2 February 2014
Map catalog page 4
My map catalog also works well to post new projects: added British Geological Survey web mapping services to East Anglia web map, in order to compare historic and current geology. The Snapshot format also give a variety of viewing options of the catalog.