Thursday 29 April 2010

Show me the money

That was my response to Peter Batty's call for comment on his GITA panel this week:

Saturday 24 April 2010

Post-medieval Fenlands GIS

Let's look at the geographic history of land cover and surface geology of East Anglia after the Civil War , based on Ordnance Survey OpenData and British Geological Survey web mapping services (WMS). My previous posting discussed H.C. Darby's historic & geographic economics of East Anglia Fenlands between the Domesday census and the Civil War.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Happy Earth Day, in a British roundabout way

A recent twittersation with @rollohome had me pull out these screen shots from Google Maps - it doesn't appear to give proper driving directions around complex British roundabouts - I thought this was a curious counterpoint for Earth Day, as we go round&round...

Saturday 17 April 2010

Medieval Fenlands GIS

[Update 5: see its latest reboot on a new community engagement project here
Update 4: Data on ShareGeoOpen is now on successor Edinburgh Datashare
Update 3: see subsequent story with Ordnance Survey and 1SpatialOnline validation
Update 2: see web mashup with later historic data  and more on data repositories
Update 1: see companion Post-medieval drainage of the Fens from same source]

The recent release of UK Ordnance Survey OpenData opened the opportunity to post H.C. Darby's data from The Medieval Fenland and The Drainage of the Fens of East Anglia in the eastern UK. And parishes are the geographic unit that remained constant since the Middle Ages.

Monday 12 April 2010

A Tale of two approaches, part III

My previous posts here, here and here are summarised in today' reply to Matt Ball's excellent Spatial Sustain entry, What comes first, model-based design or integrated project workflows?

Friday 9 April 2010


My talks at FindingPetroleum and PPDM presented the impact of the new web in petroleum.

Friday 2 April 2010

Thursday 1 April 2010

No such thing as a free lunch

To great press and technocrati fanfare, the UK Ordnance Survey freed up its data... somewhat! This was promptly announced on mapperz and Ernest Maples blogs. And commented on as far away as the US west coast by Ed Parsons and Geoff Zeiss currently in America - does location matter?