Sunday 26 January 2014

Map catalog continued

In my ongoing suite of posting webmaps in my new and fresh Mind the Map blog, here is another take on loading global vectore megadatasets but this time on Amazon Web Services direct via Mapcentia's GeoCloud.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Standards & Metadata, Part VIII

My previous post on this topic stated how careful documentation and appropriate metadata high-grades any information that is shared online by giving origin, context and other information. It helps build bridges and I quipped a well-known tear down this wall that also closed my second last post on free data and apps.

Sunday 12 January 2014

More map catalog

Last week was the inaugural post of my catalog, highlighting maps from this blog in (very) roughly reverse chronological order. The second entry make the display options more evident, as this is meant to be a light and flexible version of this more complete blog. I am not about to end its success quite yet, and have no fear I will post items of substance as well as cross-links to the catalog until it has its own followers.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Andrew Zolnai map catalog

Happy New Year! Don't you think that 175 blog posts and almost 150,000 page views over 7.5 years merit a catalog of my maps? This also coincides with my first end-to-end project:
  1. collect on the desktop
  2. disseminate and receive feedback via social media
  3. post as a webmap on private AWS account