Sunday, 23 February 2014

Global Sailings (1662 - 1856, English, Spanish, Dutch, French) revisited

[Update: climate data (wind speed & direction) have now been added in short & long posts]

I originally extracted CLIWOC (CLImatological database for the World's OCeans) ship captains' logs ships locations over a decade ago, to demonstrate the processing of 250K+ points in ArcGIS desktop using then new File Geodatabase. Five years later I posted this on my old website with instructions how to use it in  old ArcGIS Explorer and KML, and then I put a layer package on - both related historic details like de laPerouse's demise below, the importance of data standards and metadata, and the interst it generated elsewhere - more recently I posted a time-based variation of same, where using a time slider helps clarifiy complex data on desktop GIS.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Map catalog page 4

My map catalog also works well to post new projects: added British Geological Survey web mapping services to East Anglia web map, in order to compare historic and current geology. The Snapshot format also give a variety of viewing options of the catalog.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Map catalog continued

In my ongoing suite of posting webmaps in my new and fresh Mind the Map blog, here is another take on loading global vectore megadatasets but this time on Amazon Web Services direct via Mapcentia's GeoCloud.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Standards & Metadata, Part VIII

My previous post on this topic stated how careful documentation and appropriate metadata high-grades any information that is shared online by giving origin, context and other information. It helps build bridges and I quipped a well-known tear down this wall that also closed my second last post on free data and apps.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

More map catalog

Last week was the inaugural post of my catalog, highlighting maps from this blog in (very) roughly reverse chronological order. The second entry make the display options more evident, as this is meant to be a light and flexible version of this more complete blog. I am not about to end its success quite yet, and have no fear I will post items of substance as well as cross-links to the catalog until it has its own followers.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Andrew Zolnai map catalog

Happy New Year! Don't you think that 175 blog posts and almost 150,000 page views over 7.5 years merit a catalog of my maps? This also coincides with my first end-to-end project:
  1. collect on the desktop
  2. disseminate and receive feedback via social media
  3. post as a webmap on private AWS account

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Releasing data really works, Part V

It took five days (after hours) to stand up, learn, tweak and display my East Anglia Fenlands project on Mapcentia's web service. It started with a GISuser group post on LinkedIn on Monday, I used my Amazon Web Service free EC2 trial and GeoCloud2 under beta, and by Friday I had it working and styled. No small thanks to Martin Hogh's original work and help, the result is a simple yet modern and pleasing web map.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Free Petroleum Geodata

Here are some free datasets useful for petroleum mapping. Links didn't transfer in SlideShare so here they are:
AAPG GIS Open Files

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Around the world in 30 maps

[Update 2: this map gallery is now the first pane of my personal portfolio]
[Update 1: Apple iOS doesn't support Flash, please try this old link instead]

I revamped my blog to make its header more engaging. I replaced the static image I changed from time to time, with a map gallery. It comes from a Flickr slide show of maps I have collected over time, posted in chronological order. Although each screenshot is captioned and tagged in Flickr, here is the text in the same order: