Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Releasing data really works, Part VII

And now for something completely different - the original posts until Part VI are listed below - I ran across a nice map of Steve Feldman's: He also tried out free data and software to map UK flood maps, an up-scaled version not for professional re-use.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

New business, renewed website

[Update: find on my map blog the full story on how the video below was created]

Since www.zolnai.ca will be the landing page for my new business, I spruced it up to reflect my new brand.  zolnai.ca is indeed now registered in England as a Sole Trader.

The banner has been changed to show some example web maps created since 2006, a topic will be renewed at center page, and the navigation has been improved.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

A day in the life of a petroleum professional - Part II - shorthand

[Update: posted here an even simpler workflow that reads government data direct from web]

This is Part II of a A day in the life of posts, to introduc Basic petroleum data manipulation for professionals who aren't data managers. This is however a much simpler workflow that lends itself more to rapid project start-ups for petroleum rather than data professionals.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Esri, Google and if the shoe fits...

[Update: a Google business partner's view of things, 3 mo. after the fracas]

[Here is a further update based on input from other people on what is surely a timely topic. Originally posted on LinkedIn Pulse as The (Geo) Internet of Things, it's posted there for a wider audience.]

Friday, 30 January 2015

Personal portfolio of Esri maps

As I went solo in the new year, I collected my previous works also seen in the banner map gallery, and posted the Esri maps as a map story. Go here if it's too slow to load.

Monday, 22 December 2014

A day in the life of a petro-data manager - Part I - Shorthand

[Update: a simpler workflow that uses  for-fee & for-free software is posted here]

After intoducing the process to extract, transform & load  (ETL) www.boem.gov well data into a www.ppdm.org database, here is the short version expanded over on my sister blog.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Web Maps on Steroids, Part II

I showed a couple of months ago ways to post mega-datasets online without choking the system. This month OSGeoUK gave me the opportunity to present the same on PostGIS Day 2014, as postGIS was the backbone of two of these examples on GIScloud and GeoCloud2. Thanks to OSGeoUK and British Computer Society for hosting this.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

A day in the life of a petro-data manager - intro

[Update: Talend made the early version complex, so simpler one was posted later]

Have you ever been given plain text geodata and wondered how to database and map it? And has this happened to you lately with tens of thousands of lines of data? Well help is at hand! Here is an ETL  workflow (extract, transform, load) useful to any data manager in or out of petroleum using free tools:

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Big data and maps reloaded

Social media really work! +Vicky Gallardo posted on Google+ that the map is not the territory, with a wonderful big data map by Ben Allen of Denton TX (near where I used to live). That prompted a post by the same title on my companion map blog. The distinction between data and maps has long kept me up at night (see my blog tagline), and many others to judging by exhibits and media only in London (near where I live now).