Continuing the ongoing (re)discovery of cool maps for the rest of us, here are two I found on Facebook from my friends
Christophe Staff in Belgium and
Aidos Malybayev in Kazakhstan. chronicles Templar lore throughout Europe and the Middle East. I helped fellow after-hours webster with a simple Google map, which Christophe embedded in his
website. Another differentiator is the exhaustive directions for use, which made it helpful even for my octogenarian parents!
zoomed into the Middle East region
click image to enlarge |
Former colleague Aidos posted a cool Google clone for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, all of which I visited and perhaps will yet again. I was curious about
Tabolsk the old capital of W Siberia, and voilà!
here it is, complete photo links and Google Chrome auto-translate. Now if I can just find time to refurbish my
ancient webpics to
flickr! or
click image to enlarge |
On a humouristic note, one may disregard the interpretation of Tabolsk as "tons of bolsk" - it did find Tobolsk after all! - do "corks" ("Пробки") mean plugs or plug-ins (help anyone)?
As I said before, this blog is dedicated to the weird and wonderful ways we find to display information from work through current affairs to the personal, quickly and easily on webmaps... and not unlikely after hours!
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