Saturday, 30 April 2016

Gulf of Mexico Wells Reloaded

Story map to wrap a complex technical dataset into easy-to-follow steps. Opening video helps reach out to board rooms or town halls alike.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Another Take on Climate Change, Part VI (the last)

previously asked  how current vagaries of climate may relate to earth's magnetic field reversals? One problem was that geological records (ocean bottom magnetic stripes) didn't span well into historic records (volcanic lava deposits)! Well this appears to have been addressed in this video:

Friday, 12 February 2016

Animation of historic Paris building footprints

Bâti Paris is a beautiful suite of maps of the Parisian buildings and listed monuments since the 18th c. posted by Etienne Côme. I gave it an organic twist by rotating and mirroring each time slice, to make it look like a breathing lung, and posted it as a video:

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Another Take on Climate Change, Part V

[Update: Part VI, more on geomagnetic reversals]

Parts I, II, III & IV from March 2011 became relevant in a comment yesterday on Euan Mearns post on extreme climate. He pointed to the Laschamp event, and suggests this: that the wandering of the North Pole heralds a impending magnetic reversal, such as happened 4000 years ago evidenced in the French Massif Central near Clermont Ferrand.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Global vector datasets on the web

I described exactly two years ago posting NOAA's global shoreline dataset on my AWS stack - added  recently to personal portfolio for easy access - I discussed here earlier, why post global vector datasets, when web services provided such varieties of backdrops? At issue is that vector data are so large at global scales, that NOAA above and Natural Earth post them as various scales, where details are trade-off against scale.

Friday, 8 January 2016

To teach or not to teach, that is the question

With apologies to The Bard, whilst the internet in general and YouTube in particular are great tools - I use them here and on YouTube myself - there is the danger of posting educational videos uncritically.