My web presence

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Web maps for the rest of us

 The previous post on Community Engagement updated the rebranding of, with accompanying use of "AI for the rest of us" (work backward from here) this blogpost title came from. One of the mentioned changes were working with Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap and Climate Central - my Esri Developper or Non-Profit stacks are free and frozen, respectively - I had a whole lot of work put on ice, the same time I relinquished my original website This blog is OK however.

In order to continue with our prospectus, I simply used free software QGIS and free UK Ordnance Survey Open ZoomStack and Boundary Line data - the same in fact I used on prior - to create these simple parish maps for the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, augmenting their Insight Data:

250Mb open data
25 Mb open data (click to enlarge)

While such maps will do for the prospectus itself, QGIS Cloud helps post these as interactive, not only free for small amounts of data, but also exclusively for private use. The OpenStreetMap background also saves on a whole lot of  static background data:

Full screen map (Hint: type in a Parish you're looking for in the top centre Search screen)

This shows parish, railway station and NHS data, select the top right layer button (may be hidden blurred behind top frame above) to add or to remove, & refresh the page if only the OpenStreetMap background shows.

Voilà! Web maps for the rest of us, using free software and free data, a longtime topic for this blog here... Note that this blog will be 15 yrs. old this Sept. and exceeded 550K hits at currently over 10K per month, low below 1Kpm averaging 4Kpm... Thanks for visiting!

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