Saturday, 20 January 2024

Community engagement and social prescribing

Community Engagement 1,... 20212223, 24 & 25

This follows an update on this blog here, where I announced my move away from Cambridge. This is also a good place to end the Community Engagement series. I will however continue on topics as they arise like re: AI here, or Sea Level Rise here & updated Thames Barrier starting here. Follow also the Blog Archive to the right-hand side of the desktop version here, as well as the right-hand side of the Banner Menu atop.

We recently rebranded to the domain name is acquired but page not done yet finished; we have a prospectus as an evergreen document, meaning ever evolving.

Our community involvement over 5 years in March is one object of this blog starting  here (follow the links) and listed here. We engaged with various community interest  parties at the impact of climate change then the pandemic on social isolation in East Anglia.

Central UK sea level rise model up to 12 m ~ 2150AD (here & here)

We collected significant public resources on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. We are blessed for example with Cambridge Insight (link) open data portal. We are also part of Wikimedia UK (link) in the realm of open data.

All of the above lead us to social prescribing (link).  "Social prescribing connects people to non-medical support to address these issues and other unmet needs" (website intro). The advent of AI also led to the exploring it hands on (here and work backward) and post about its social framework on Medium (same here).

 In a nutshell we are here to help NHS match surgeries distribution to population growth. We propose using AI to match up publicly available data across 270 settlements in CPCA (link & Wikipedia). This is not something that can easily be done by hand... even if we collected significant amounts of public info already!

Stay tuned for further developments here.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, the web domain was registered with ICAN to serve the Cottenham Open Community Interest Company. Both have since been deprecated in favour of the the web domain to serve the Community Interest Company for incorporation at Companies House as a non-profit enterprise. doesn't exist and apart from's extraordinarily productive history, recorded for posterity in Andrew's blog, the only trace of its continuing existence can be found in its email address used for correspondence covering past events.

    This, then, represents a clean start for the "" brand, forever grateful to "" for its huge contribution pre- Covid and continued throughout the difficult pandemic years.


Please send me a copy of your prospectus to