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Showing posts with label Northwest Passage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northwest Passage. Show all posts

Saturday 13 July 2019

Community, Climate and Maps - a digression

Local Community Engagement, 12 & 3

[Update: Part 4 introduces a process framework for this community engagement
Update 1: Northwest Passage: Maps and words adds more illustrations and better maps
Update 2: see also this video Arctic Sea Ice Summer based on improved maps above
Update 3: further story map Fire & Ice - Arctic past and future climes focused onshore]

Saturday 28 April 2018

"Horses for courses", part II

[Update: a fascinating firsthand report from the discoverers posted on Russell Potter's excellent blog.]

previous post here contrasted full professional workflows for petroleum geology students, with very simple analytical tools for a businessman looking to ascertain population density. As my subsequent posts show, I have an interest in Antarctic and Arctic maps, history and climate as for example in this Story Map.