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Sunday 28 June 2015

A day in the life of a petroleum professional - Part III - shorthand

[2018 Update -  presented at AAPG Visiting Geoscientist Program in Budapest in 2015 and Szeged in 2018 with open data for 2014 and 2018.

2016 Update - PUGonline Geospatial Workflow catalog summarised this as: Development & Planning > Mapping Well Data

2015 Update - A higher level article is published by PPDM Foundations in its Q4 2015 issue]

This is Part III of a "A day in the life of..." posts, to introduce basic petroleum data management for professionals who generate prospects. This is a yet even simpler workflow that helps rapid project start-ups for prospectors rather than data managers.

It is even simpler in that it cuts out Excel altogether - Safe FME helps read the government data files directly from the internet repository - furthering our aim to create as easy and simple to use as possible, whilst preserving data integrity and fostering sound data management principles.

The resulting workflow uses Extract - Transform - Load (ETL) at its simplest:

click to enlarge

The rest of the workflow is pretty much the same, and is detailed in the Mind the Map companion blog.  A business-oriented synopsis will be published by PPDM Foundations in its Q3 issue.

STOP PRESSES: Safe Software just published a new eBook, that guides you through  publishing and accessing this sort of data through ArcGIS Online and other services. Stay tuned for further parts of this exercise...

click here to access

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