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Saturday 23 December 2017

Mind maps for GDPR

[Update: see a revisit of this topic]

General Data Protection Regulation will come to European Union five months from Christmas! You will have read of it no doubt, if not, links are in presentation below: Up to Slide 10 is a simple set of tools - mind maps - to get started on this complex process; after that is a suggestion for further help.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Vectors are your friend, Part III

Esri just updated its World Vector Basemaps (v.2). I updated below the notoriously complex and details Aalan Archipelago offshore Turku, Finland. I contrasted in this blog 4½ years ago posting the GSHHG world vector dataset in, a web vector mapping system, and ArcGIS Online, richer in data but then in raster. See an OpenStreetMap backdrop earlier in my companion blog.

Monday 11 December 2017

GeoHipster Calendar: 2018

This is my third Calendar entry from the most excellent Geohipster spearheaded by @atanas@billdollins and @gletham - the inaugural 2014 and the 2015 can be seen here - I missed last year but I told them: