Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Cumbria classic revisited, Appleby-in-Westmoreland

Almost four years ago, a story map here showed the Skelworth Fold area of the Lake District for a friend, using advanced mapping and Environment Agency digital elevation.

click all images to enlarge

Let us revisit this in Westmoreland due east in Cumbria region of the UK Northwest.

Google Maps, the Northwest

Environmental Agency digital elevation & imagery

Appleby elevation

+ imagery

+ buildings

+ flood risk

Perspective view due North

From another story map here, see the level of detail from EA Risk fo Flooding from Land and from Sea:

Cottenham, Cambs. in East Anglia

From the same, this image details the medieval plough fields, less distinct but visible nr. Appleby along the Roman Road:

Medieval settlement at Nobold, 440m east of Lowe Farm HT

Circular depressions are ancient watering holes. Image & topography distinguish ploughed and pasture fields, building outlines and road alignments. Ancient structures are depressions and modern ones are in relief: this bas-relief further helps distinguish the geoographic history of the landscape.

All images Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0, full size available here incl. attribution here: flick images in Google Drive to pseudo-animate the Appleby close-ups; screenshots will show close to original 1:24,000 scale on std. 15" laptop screens.

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