Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 June 2016

When is a map not a map, Part II

I just posted on LinkedIn Pulse Opinions are free, but Facts are sacred, taking off from Simon Rogers ex of Guardian Data now at Google Data by way of Twitter. This was spurred by the EU Referendum, and setting aside debates raging around it, this is my contribution in my field of petroleum geology in general and mapping / GIS in particular. UN Comtrade has a fabulous collection of statistics, which are so easy to search & discover, that I simply copy&pasted screenshots into this video.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Even more temporal maps

I posted here my webmaps from the East Anglia Medieval Fenlands project. I have now posted these on for use in ESRI maps: Watch future posts on time-enabling this project, and adding geo-processing to further examine these derived data. Note also that ArcGIS is available for personal use an research for $100 worldwide now.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Data tennis match

There is a frantic discussion over the UK Government Data Developers mailing list, over freeing UK postcodes, after the recent freeze of their provision to UK aid agencies. As a business user (not a developer) I use free area code data (kilometer precision), and paid my £50 for 1000 points from (meter precision). This doesn't negate the need to call for freeing up data sources, but as business I must be practical and timely.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The medium is the message when?

As tweeted on 18 August, Mappliances = Map + Appliance: when the geospatial disappears behind, or is blended into the information stream. A recent example is BBC on cybercafes 15 years on (in UK @ least) - in terms of reader feedback Have your Say is so yesterday, however, welcome to Have your Say Map!