Showing posts with label geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geography. Show all posts

Friday, 30 January 2015

Personal portfolio of Esri maps

As I went solo in the new year, I collected my previous works also seen in the banner map gallery, and posted the Esri maps as a map story. Go here if it's too slow to load.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

East Anglia Fenlands wrap-up

It may be time to run an overview, two years on this personal project on East Anglia, the last step of which was reviewed by

Saturday, 3 September 2011

New book and banner ads

Geography is the basis of "Entre deux Eaux", my new book of poetry and prose on my travels and travails - check the publisher icon to the right, and soon on Amazon and Barnes&Noble in the banner - so much so that the book cover image is a snapshot of my three-year old web map:

Friday, 13 May 2011

More temporal web maps

Here is last year's Fenlands mashup on 2nd gen. beta (this data is also posted on the UK academic ShareGeo site and the apps site):

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Historic Fenlands Mashup

[See updates at bottom, and predecessors Medieval Fenlands GIS and Post-medieval Fenlands GIS]

Here is a mashup on of the geographic history of land cover and surface geology of East Anglia since Domesday based on:

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Post-medieval Fenlands GIS

Let's look at the geographic history of land cover and surface geology of East Anglia after the Civil War , based on Ordnance Survey OpenData and British Geological Survey web mapping services (WMS). My previous posting discussed H.C. Darby's historic & geographic economics of East Anglia Fenlands between the Domesday census and the Civil War.