Showing posts with label neo-geo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neo-geo. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

A tale of two cities, or Bauhaus for maps

I attended two shows back-to-back in London yesterday. Esri(UK) Annual Conference was daytime at the QE2 Centre in Westminster a stone's throw from the Parliament. London Geomob was that evening in Shoreditch, the swanky London digital hub where Ordnance Survey just opened the Geovation Hub.
If the 20 min tube ride in between might have been through a wormhole, such was the contrast, both meetups strove to do the same thing, substituting maps for arts as the Bauhaus movement"founded with the idea of creating a 'total' work of art in which all arts, including architecture, would eventually be brought together".

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Show me the money

That was my response to Peter Batty's call for comment on his GITA panel this week:

Friday, 11 September 2009

What's in a name?

I tweeted earlier on Mappliance = Map + Appliance, where maps blend into applications imperceptibly; I found two such instances just today: First I retweeted IPO Dashboard's Tracker, one of two ways to get at technology startup statistics. Second I shared my entry to Google's 9/11 interactive memorial website - not surprisingly, it allows you to enter location, text, photos and videos of your experience on that fateful day if you wish.