My web presence

Sunday 8 September 2019

Saturday 13 July 2019

Community, Climate and Maps - a digression

Local Community Engagement, 12 & 3

[Update: Part 4 introduces a process framework for this community engagement
Update 1: Northwest Passage: Maps and words adds more illustrations and better maps
Update 2: see also this video Arctic Sea Ice Summer based on improved maps above
Update 3: further story map Fire & Ice - Arctic past and future climes focused onshore]

Monday 25 March 2019

Local community engagement

[Update 2: we since signed up to an Esri(UK) Nonprofit Programme.

Update: Part 2 builds a story introducing the community.]

This follows my transition introduced last September and last month. I first used Esri  web mapping tools to help me canvass for EU elections in my local community five years ago. I then found local community engagement - online in my old Texan hometown of Houston - 18 months ago with Hurricane Harvey. I presented social aspects  afforded GIS at Esri European Petroleum GIS  conference in London that fall.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Welcome to new friends

[Update: read here my  new occupation following this]

A fond farewell to two old friends explained my transition to open source platforms. As announced in LinkedIn You can get Andrew out of the geo... (... but you can't get the geo out of Andrew) "Terry Jackson pulled me back in to the publishing business as a data wrangler". What does that mean?

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Dynamic maps - finis

[Update 2:  this Story Map chronicles the 15 years of this on-again-off-again  work
Update 1: new Spillhaus projection is too cool for ocean data, see this on YouTube]

My last post on dynamic maps and its preceding project recap five years ago outlined how I used ¼M point free-to-use dataset on global historic shipping and climate data. This is the original video of ships'  locations produced a decade ago on Esri ArcMap:

Saturday 29 December 2018

Challenger Expedition DIY Web Map

[Update: Spilhaus video here c/w DIY add-your-own image on eve of 150th anniversary]

The last two blogposts showed how to create correct polar maps in ArcGIS and QGIS here from publicly posted class notes blogged.

Let's look at now creating complete maps in AGOL from publicly available data, and analyzing it over time to see their historic significance. This results in this web map of the HMS Challenger 1873-1876 Expedition:

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Arctic wrap-up as a story-map

Update 1: Story Map of same Northwest Passage: maps and words
Update 2: video of same Arctic Sea Ice Summer 1979–2018
Update 3: follow on story map on onshore aspects: Fire & Ice — Arctic past & future climes
Update 4: lovely Scott Polar Research Institute entrance foyer frescoes of same at the bottom

Following my previous posts on geo-awareness and transitioning platforms, I repost here this story map that wraps together the story for the Arctic region on Esri platform. You will find at its end a link to the course that cover both poles on Esri and QGIS as complete exercises in polar mapping.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

GIS education & awareness

[Update: another way to make it all more accessible, is to wrap-up the Arctic data as a story-map.]

There is a patent need to better explain all things geospatial to us as geo professionals as well as to the public addressed here.