Showing posts with label Energisitics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energisitics. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 August 2013

To Geo or not to Geo, that is the question...

... at least in oil&gas. I always wondered why petroleum was only 5% Esri's market (unofficial from my tenure as petroleum manager there, they publish no figures as a private company). A current rationalization project at an oil major hinted why - I've 'pushed Geo' for 25 yrs. so I saw that in my previous tenure at Halliburton, but that only crystallized later - whilst a large percentage of data has a spatial component in oil&gas, only a small part of it is stored in spatial databases. GIS are generally for surface infrastructure like geology, plants and pipelines, rather than for subsurface exploration and production. Surface data can actually be seen and measured directly on or near the ground, whereas subsurface are interpolated data from drilling and seismic deep in the subsurface. Indeed the challenges in oil exploration in the news of late revolve around this frontier.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

"Better metadata for GIS"

Just posted my two-page extract from the June issue of Digital Energy Journal:
We are going to see much more improved "metadata" system for geo-graphical data - which will help integrate it much more closely with bigger information management systems, writes Andrew Zolnai, sales and marketing director, Interactive Net Mapping Ltd.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Standards & Metadata - Part VII

Facebook/twitter diary excerpt from an information manager:
Vast majority of information is not held on computers but in people's heads
If Information is Communication, then what is Metadata?
Data, data everywhere. Hidden. [...] High value. Low awareness
Would like to take a broom to the data management techniques used

Thursday, 8 October 2009

"East is east and west is west...", or is it?

Geo-meta-data news flashes:
quickly access web resources regardless of resource location via ESRI's geoportal extension
free metadata tools for the EU INPSIRE website using ESRI Irelands Be-Inspired site
quickly add data anywhere in the world, crowdsourcing debut on Google Map Maker
geocode data into the recently increased Google palette in the US at least announced

Friday, 25 September 2009


I followed UK's premier GIS meeting hosted this week by AGI in Stratford-upon-Avon UK, on its excellent website and twitter (#geocom and other attendees). You can read there that the debate over FOSS vs. COTS is morphing into GIS vs. neo-geography. But I found the following to be very a-propos for petroleum: Yahoo!Geo Technologies' Gary Gale explains in his blog the importance of a global geographic ontology - that is identifying not only by location, but also by metadata and by topology.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Standards & Metadata - Part V

A quick follow-on to my series of same name posted here - I had a long email trail with a potential partner about serving up petrodata on the web, and here are a few lessons learned: