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Wednesday 28 June 2023

Cottenham Open CIC rebooted

Community Engagement  1, ... 12, 13, 14151617181920 & 21

Update: the next post (here) will show how a blog post on creating maps, is created by generating prompts  using Bing AI in a Udemy course on prompt engineering following STAR (style-task-audience-role).

Re-engaging après-COVID what is in LinkedIn, below & Esri HubPart 1 outlined Community Engagement. Part 2 built a story introducing the community. Part 3 tied together community maps and climate mapping. Part 4 introduced a process framework for this community engagement. Part 5 expanded on our aim toward a community engagement.  Part 6 added our own Wikipedia Gazetteer as we build up the local landscape. Part 7 showed a draft Press Release introducing our social enterprise. Part 8 on coastal inundation scenarios adds some parameters in the debate. Part 9 on temperature anomaly scenarios further constrains the debate. Part 10 followed up village engagement process via recent Parish Council update. Part 11 added flood risks to coastal inundation and temperature regime models. Part 12 described Cambridgeshire Parishes affected by sea level rise. And finally here we introduce AI with a local twist.

Esri / Wikipedia (click to enlarge)

Artificial Intelligence (Wikipedia) is all the rage now: rather than wade into pros & cons, we set out to learn Prompt Engineering (Wikipedia) to help extract information relative to Cambridgeshire  Civil Parishes. To quote my CIC partner (with permission) working with local Wikimedians below:

Enthused by the first bullet-point item "Transposing the IPCC Climate report to Wikibase (and maybe  Wikidata)", for discussion at today's Cambridge Group #46 meeting, I've taken a cursory look at the potential for a Wikimedia UK, Climate Central, ThisWeekMedia partnership journalism pilot project for and the 264 Civil Parish articles, Cottenham for example (see below... I envisage a "live" Climate Central Flood Risk map embedded in each one...

Climate Central (click to enlarge)
Peter has a wiki project to create lexicons called wikifactmine to help mine reports and make it more accessible. He is an academic in chemistry working on informatics and markup language.

Terry is working with Wikimedia foundation to make government data more accessible to the general public too. Terry had an online publication system in Wales 20 odd years ago.

Kay works on distilling IPCC documents such that the public can read it. She follows the footsteps of my internet friend @kayhayhoe, one of the authors of the US Climate Assessment in 2014 (Google Scholar).
I am working on AI  prompt engineering to help harvest public info peppering this blog. A geologist on the web, I mapped COVID and flooding from rivers and from sea for various areas
Please follow further resources in this blog's banner menu (desktop not mobile), and the last four update posts at right: Blog Archive > 2023 (5) > June (5).

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