My web presence

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Village Voice

Local Community Engagement 123456789 & 10

[Update: Part 11 adds flood risks to coastal inundation and temperature regime models]

Sunday 8 December 2019

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Friday 15 November 2019

Mock Press Release

Local Community Engagement 123456 & 7

[ Updates: Part 8 on coastal inundation scenarios adds some parameters in the debate.
Part 13 is a manifesto that wraps the series together with some forward looking ideas.
"Digital nomads and digital divides" posted in Parliament late 2020 is discussed here. ]

Thursday 3 October 2019

Sunday 8 September 2019

Saturday 13 July 2019

Community, Climate and Maps - a digression

Local Community Engagement, 12 & 3

[Update: Part 4 introduces a process framework for this community engagement
Update 1: Northwest Passage: Maps and words adds more illustrations and better maps
Update 2: see also this video Arctic Sea Ice Summer based on improved maps above
Update 3: further story map Fire & Ice - Arctic past and future climes focused onshore]

Monday 25 March 2019

Local community engagement

[Update 2: we since signed up to an Esri(UK) Nonprofit Programme.

Update: Part 2 builds a story introducing the community.]

This follows my transition introduced last September and last month. I first used Esri  web mapping tools to help me canvass for EU elections in my local community five years ago. I then found local community engagement - online in my old Texan hometown of Houston - 18 months ago with Hurricane Harvey. I presented social aspects  afforded GIS at Esri European Petroleum GIS  conference in London that fall.