My web presence

Wednesday 11 October 2023

"So long and thanks for the maps", Part IV

 Over 1½ yrs. ago Part I said that I left socials and geo work... well not quite! I did quit all activism and will soon return to my family home in France left almost 50 yrs. ago.

I left now by entering the 2023 Story Map competition with "a story about conserving Earth’s lands and waters": East Anglia Fenlands: Peatlands Restoration to mitigate Climate Change sums up my work in East Anglia under Cottenham Open - introduced here 4½ years ago as Local community engagement - you can follow my professional portfolio either at top right of my blog home in desktop mode, or my story map direct

At top right of my blog home also spot my personal portfolio on my free-tier account, as well as my professional and personal writings on Medium.

click to enlarge

The highlight of my GIS career was no doubt the YouTube Livestream: I explained how, after documenting COVID in East Anglia on a dashboard, I found on a "pivot & fan" way to display its evolution - it was part of an global online lockdown confab How to map stuff spearheaded by  Daniel Huffman - follow details esp. when to start here.

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The most fun I had, however, was flexing my JavasScript muscle to create webmaps of Mars during the Mars Rover launch in 2021. Here are three story maps and a view of the Jezero Crater geology, where there may be possible signs of life billions of years ago in the original river & lake sediments:

click to enlarge

The best part was the story map allowed me to post step-by-step how-to make-your-own planetary maps. This was part of a broader attempt to foster DIY maps for climate emergency posted here.

But my funnest memory was creating an Argh! Pirate map of East Anglia under 12 m. sea level rise - again using help and posted there -  giving a humoristic twist to a serious situation of our hottest fall since records began, to be followed by another polar vortex ice-grip in N. America and N. Europe this coming winter... if all ice sheets melted in 100 or so years, then this is what East Anglia would look like (full-size here):

click to enlarge

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