My web presence

Thursday 19 November 2020

Coronavirus update - Part XI

[ Update 1: Still no sign of the second wave abating and deaths on the increase again
  Update 2 : next installment shows how the second wave numbers just keep growing ]

Further to our last blogpost, the second lockdown resulted from / is reflected in both sharp increases in cases passing 1.5M, and marked ones in deaths passing 70,000 and on the increase again

Thursday 29 October 2020

Flood preparedness in East Anglia as a Story map

[ Update: here is a final version for finer-grained subdivision of the same data ]

This is the third in a series of Story Maps after Sea Level Rise models in Cambridge, East Anglia and on Local Flooding in Cottenham immediately north. Full page here.

Monday 19 October 2020

Another Story Map on local flooding this time

[ Update: the next blog post expands on building situational awareness for flood response in East Anglia ]

Following my second-last post on a story map about flooding and sea level rise in Cambridge, here is another one about surface effects of flooding in my home village just north of there. Enjoy!

Friday 16 October 2020

Cornavirus update - Part X

[ Update: MSOA data only rolling weekly on NHSx site here or via the PHE API here
Update 2: next installment shows further marked increases in the second lockdown ]

 ... A lot has happened since the last update: not only may we have a second wave as seen in the bottom left-hand panel below, but also NHSx posted new Ward-level data in a format ready-to-use for coxcomb maps.

Saturday 26 September 2020

Sea Level Rise (cont.)... and a Story Map!

[ Update 3: see a follow-on story map next. on local flooding effects just north of there...
Update2: thanks to Esri(UK) and Esri folk who helped my return to 3D web mapping! 
Update 1: check Sea Level Rise model affecting Central Cambridge area on YouTube ]

Let's wrap up Sea level rise web map, poster and pirate map: having started with a simple map of Cambridge University Colleges indicating how deeply they would be submerged in a sea level rise scenario, let's map the buildings in 3D and show how far raised sea levels would submerge them! But first let's start with a flood risk map and finish with a combination to help with situational awareness. 

Monday 7 September 2020

Sea level rise web map, poster and pirate map

[ Update 3: action in Update 1 resulted in Trinity Hall declaring divestment... hurray!
Update 2: the next post rounds this up with a Story Map that includes flood risk
Update 1: here is a video of the action mentioned below, re: colleges divest from oil ]

An Extinction Rebellion Cambridge action, demanding colleges divest from oil investment, led to a simple yet arresting idea: map the level below 12 m. sea level rise each college would be under, if climate change we left unabated, as a means to help convince them of the consequences of climate inaction.


Thursday 3 September 2020

Coronavirus update - Part IX

[ Update 2: part X expands on the evolving spread of cased and access to ward-level data
Update1: Cases keep growing, not a second wave but a concern nonetheless as reported ]

After changes in NHSx reporting posted previously, we continue with NHSx case and ONS death data for England, and to  update our CamCOVIDinfo:

Sunday 30 August 2020

Google Earth to reconstruct a viewpoint

 And now for something completely different (apologies to Monty Python). I posted mid-2008 a view of Lake Como as a viewpoint in Google Earth, as per caption below. Three years later a post from Ogle Earth discerned historically significant locations via Google Earth. So I decided to try the same for a family quandary.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Coronavirus update - Part VIII

 Last update showed progress in Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK especially in higher geographic resolution: Ward down from County but not yet Postcode levels. In this ever-evolving scene however:

  • NHSx no longer posts death data in its legacy stream (scroll all the way to the bottom), 
  • and cases are no longer posted daily (check "Last updated" date at the very bottom)
Fortunately Office of National Statistics (ONS) death data had already been tapped as in Part III. So our dashboard below CamCOVIDinfo is still on offer... do keep coming back for weekly updates!

Thursday 13 August 2020

Blog hits and trends

[ Update: 4 mo. later saw a continuation of the trend with pretty good average stats! ]

On its 11th anniversary, let's look at blog statistics and and draw some lessons from this compilation:

  • time scale in months with employment tenure below
  • number of posts by month (orange bars, scale right)
  • top 20 individual posts (red bars, scale right)
  • blog reads per month (blue line, scale left)
  • trends (dashed) with aggregators (yellow), none (blue) and tweets (green)