Update: a post in SciTech Daily shows that ocean atmospheric science - shown in this and previous post - is alive and may help with assessing climate change: it's about the doldrums driven by downdrafts not updrafts; at a localized scale, downdrafts were dramatically reported in passenger flight incidents here or the sinking off Sicily of a superyacht here, and updrafts in increasing mid-Atlantic hurricane generation here.
My web presence
Monday, 2 September 2024
Saturday, 13 July 2019
Community, Climate and Maps - a digression
Local Community Engagement, 1, 2 & 3
[Update: Part 4 introduces a process framework for this community engagement
Update 1: Northwest Passage: Maps and words adds more illustrations and better maps
Update 2: see also this video Arctic Sea Ice Summer based on improved maps above
Update 3: further story map Fire & Ice - Arctic past and future climes focused onshore]
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Rewater peatlands to mitigate climate change update
Update: see a follow-on post to fire maps in the news here.
In my Story Map Portfolio, step past the first five on climate issues, and the next seven on East Anglia environs affected by climate emergency, to my last and most comprehensive one: Fenlands Challenge - below and fully here - was submitted to a UN Sustainable Development Goals call for story maps; it lays out opportunities and challenges in rewatering peatlands as the most effective way to counter greenhouse gas effects on climate warming.
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Climate Emergency maps as easy as 1-2-3
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Return East Anglia Peatlands to being carbon sinks
Community Engagement 1, ... 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20
[ Update 5: Community Interest Company re-engagement is here
Update 4: actual Fenlanders interviewed in this fab blog post
Update 3: peatland restoration by numbers, Indonesian example
Update 2: soil degradation and climate change masterclass, TEDtalk pointers
Update: added Why we should all be obsessed with Peatlands at the end of the story map below ]
No. 20! Isn't it fitting that chronicling East Anglia challenges & opportunities w.r.t. climate emergency - risk of flooding, sea level rise, vulnerability indices and now pandemic - uncovered the greatest opportunity yet: returning local peatlands from carbon emitters to original carbon sinks could dwarf any individual effort to mitigate CO2 emissions, currently the major driver of climate change.
Monday, 24 May 2021
East Anglia Flood Defences Final
Community Engagement 1, ... 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18
[ Update: see post #19 on an opportunity to use land cover information to study peat lands ]
This extends the previous flood defences update into a 3D interactive map. It also explains the DEFRA flood defences data update, in order to map the infrastructure complete with various sea level rise elevations. [Story map full-page here.]
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Listen to the Scientists - Part II
Part I showed web maps of London and East Anglia under 0.5, 2 and 6 m. sea level rise by mid-, end- and next century in moderate, far-tail and extreme IPCC emissions scenarios, respectively. The next post updated a simple approach to the public using paper maps, which are both visually arresting and factually correct. Videos are also an effective way to convey complex scenarios by animating those maps, and setting them in regional and local contexts. They help illustrate the climate emergency.
Friday, 23 June 2023
Community, climate and maps - an update
Update: see a follow-on post to sea level rise in East Anglia here.
This is a follow on to this post: lets address one of the update items, Fire & Ice, in the light of an early and vicious start to the Canadian fire season. The question is: notwithstanding this year's events, is there an increase in fires and if so, can they be related to climate change as, say, in California?
Thursday, 3 October 2019
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
"So long and thanks for the maps", Part IV
Over 1½ yrs. ago Part I said that I left socials and geo work... well not quite! I did quit all activism and will soon return to my family home in France left almost 50 yrs. ago.
I left now by entering the 2023 Story Map competition with "a story about conserving Earth’s lands and waters": East Anglia Fenlands: Peatlands Restoration to mitigate Climate Change sums up my work in East Anglia under Cottenham Open - introduced here 4½ years ago as Local community engagement - you can follow my professional portfolio either at top right of my blog home in desktop mode, or my story map direct.
Friday, 23 August 2024
A return to my roots
Updates: mapping climate data from historic ships & global harmonization follow respectively here & here.
"You can get Andrew outa maps, but you can't get maps outa Andrew" quipped a GIS map friend when I left Kuwait a dozen years ago... Well after quitting socials, Esri(UK) graciously helped me recover my desktop app. While I lost my story maps and web maps content, I maintained a free dev account - story maps and maps&data - this was chiefly to preserve my Living Atlas content inspired by John Nelson.
Sunday, 8 September 2019
"I searched it my way"
Local Community Engagement 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
[Update: Part 6 adds our own Wikipedia Gazetteer as we build up the local landscape]
Friday, 18 December 2020
Digital Nomads and Digital Divide
Here is the Parliament f i n a l l y addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic, with a fairly comprehensive review of the facts they gathered.